Hathaway Primary School

Ealing - London

Built: February 15, 2015

What were the reasons for developing your outdoor space?
Having had to postpone plans for a new Multi-Sports Court due to the reduction of the Outdoor Provision budget the school still wanted to develop the play area with Physical and Active Equipment using the existing funds.

How we transformed the play area to provide outdoor learning opportunities for the children:
Positioned adjacent to the existing Adventure Trail one of Our Forest Climber 1 and 2 units were added back to back to create a new large climbing zone for all ages and abilities of children. We provided a new Steel Basket Swing to give the children the all-important playground thrill of swinging back and forth.

How the children will benefit from the new play area:
The unstructured nature of our Forest Climbers means that with two of them together the climbing possibilities are endless offering children many different heights and levels to clamber and climb to and from. Both Forest climbers will help develop upper and lower body strength whilst improving coordination and social skills as the children work together to pass each other on the logs. The basket swing offers an inclusive play environment for all children to experience.


Ealing – London

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